
Todoist tasks can be synchonised into with Logseq graph using the following options.

API Token


This API key gives complete access to your Todoist account. Use at your own risk.

Your API token can be fetch from your Todoist account using the integrationsopen in new window configuration page.

Please copy your API key from here into the settings page.


Two-way sync is availble once you have configured your API key as stated above.

The sync options are as follows:

All Todoist ProjectsThis will source all your Todoist tasks. Use this option if you want all your Todoist tasks to be synced with your Logseq graph.
A Specific Todoist ProjectLimit the scope of the sync to only include tasks in the project you have selected. Selecting this option will necessitate setting the project you wish to sync with.
A Specific Todoist FilterLimit the scope of the tasks that will be synced to only those tasks contained within a filter.

Todoist filter


Only available if you have set your sync option to A Specific Todoist Filter.

This filter will be a search statement using the same syntax used in Todoist Filtersopen in new window.

For example, using GTD and a work parent project, you may have the following filter.

##Work & @next

Todoist Project


Only available if you have set your sync option to All Todoist Projects.

Any new tasks created within Logseq will be added to this Todoist project.

Todoist project for new logseq events


Only available if you have set your sync option to A Specific Todoist Project.

Very similar to the Todoist Project above. This is used to select the project we wish to sync with.

Todoist label for new logseq events

The label you wish to have assigned to any new tasks created within Logseq.

Logseq block position

The page to sync your events with.