Pomodoro Timer

Use a pomodoro timer in the plug-in to increase concentration, and it can also be used as a task timer.


  1. Right-click the dot in front of the task that needs to be timed, and select Agenda: Start Pomodoro Timer from the menu
  2. In the pop-up window, select the length of the pomodoro timer, and click Start
  3. When the concentration is interrupted, click the heart icon on the pomodoro timer panel, and record the interruption reason
  4. When the pomodoro timer ends, click the COMPLETED button on the pomodoro timer panel, and the plug-in will automatically record the length. (If you want to interrupt it, click the ABANDON button, it will not record the length)
  5. If the recorded information is wrong, click the tomato link in the block to modify the recorded information.
